\r\n \r\n


\r\n );\r\n let options = {\r\n position: typeof data.position === \"undefined\" ? \"top-center\" : data.position,\r\n autoClose: data.type === \"success\" ? true : false,\r\n closeOnClick: true,\r\n };\r\n if (data.type === \"success\") {\r\n toast.success(template, options);\r\n } else if (data.type === \"info\") {\r\n toast.info(template, options);\r\n } else if (data.type === \"warning\") {\r\n toast.warning(template, options);\r\n } else {\r\n toast.error(template, options);\r\n }\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ToastAlert;\r\n","import { createContext } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst StoreContext = createContext();\r\n\r\nexport default StoreContext;\r\n","import { createSlice } from \"@reduxjs/toolkit\";\r\nimport localStorage from \"local-storage\";\r\n\r\nconst slice = createSlice({\r\n name: \"filter\",\r\n initialState: {\r\n countryId: 0,\r\n provinceId: 0,\r\n cityId: 0,\r\n districtId: 0,\r\n clientId: 0,\r\n brandId: 0,\r\n modelId: 0,\r\n startDate:\r\n new Date().getFullYear() +\r\n \"-\" +\r\n ((new Date().getMonth() + 1).toString().length === 1 ? \"0\" : \"\") +\r\n (new Date().getMonth() + 1) +\r\n \"-01\",\r\n endDate:\r\n new Date().getFullYear() +\r\n \"-\" +\r\n ((new Date().getMonth() + 1).toString().length === 1 ? \"0\" : \"\") +\r\n (new Date().getMonth() + 1) +\r\n \"-\" +\r\n (new Date().getDate().toString().length === 1 ? \"0\" : \"\") +\r\n new Date().getDate(),\r\n quarter: 0,\r\n dayId: 0,\r\n timeZone: localStorage.get(\"timeZone\"),\r\n sortObject: \"\",\r\n selectedPartType: 1,\r\n deviceType : 0\r\n },\r\n reducers: {\r\n filterSelectedCountry: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.countryId = action.payload.countryId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedProvince: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.provinceId = action.payload.provinceId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedCity: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.cityId = action.payload.cityId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedDistrict: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.districtId = action.payload.districtId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedStartDate: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.startDate = action.payload.startDate;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedEndDate: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.endDate = action.payload.endDate;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedDeviceType: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.deviceType = action.payload.deviceType;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedBrand: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.brandId = action.payload.brandId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedDevice: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.modelId = action.payload.deviceId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedClient: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.clientId = action.payload.clientId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedDay: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.dayId = action.payload.dayId;\r\n },\r\n filterSelectedTimeZone: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.timeZone = action.payload.timeZone;\r\n },\r\n filterSortObject: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.sortObject = action.payload.sortObject;\r\n },\r\n filterselectedPartType: (filter, action) => {\r\n filter.selectedPartType = action.payload.selectedPartType;\r\n },\r\n },\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport const {\r\n filterSelectedCountry,\r\n filterSelectedProvince,\r\n filterSelectedCity,\r\n filterSelectedDistrict,\r\n filterSelectedStartDate,\r\n filterSelectedEndDate,\r\n filterSelectedDeviceType,\r\n filterSelectedBrand,\r\n filterSelectedDevice,\r\n filterSelectedClient,\r\n filterSelectedDay,\r\n filterSelectedTimeZone,\r\n filterSortObject,\r\n filterselectedPartType,\r\n} = slice.actions;\r\nexport default slice.reducer;\r\n","import { createSlice } from \"@reduxjs/toolkit\";\r\n\r\nconst slice = createSlice({\r\n name: \"user\",\r\n initialState: {\r\n userId: 0,\r\n email: \"\",\r\n firstName: \"\",\r\n lastName: \"\",\r\n channel: \"\",\r\n companyName: \"\",\r\n fullName: \"\",\r\n channelId: 0,\r\n dayId: 0,\r\n timeZone: \"\",\r\n },\r\n reducers: {\r\n userAdded: (user, action) => {\r\n user.email = action.payload.email;\r\n },\r\n userUpdated: (user, action) => {\r\n user.userId = action.payload.user.id;\r\n user.firstName = action.payload.user.firstName;\r\n user.lastName = action.payload.user.lastName;\r\n user.fullName = action.payload.user.fullName;\r\n user.companyName = action.payload.user.companyName;\r\n user.channel = action.payload.user.channel;\r\n user.channelId = action.payload.user.channelId;\r\n },\r\n userSettingsUpdated: (user, action) => {\r\n user.dayId = action.payload.dayId;\r\n user.timeZone = action.payload.timeZone;\r\n },\r\n },\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport const { userAdded, userUpdated, userSettingsUpdated } = slice.actions;\r\nexport default slice.reducer;\r\n","import { createSlice } from \"@reduxjs/toolkit\";\r\n\r\nconst slice = createSlice({\r\n name: \"data\",\r\n initialState: {\r\n countries: [],\r\n provinces: [],\r\n cities: [],\r\n districts: [],\r\n brands: [],\r\n devices: [],\r\n importerList: [],\r\n distributorList: [],\r\n retailChainList: [],\r\n retailShopList: [],\r\n channelId: 0,\r\n clientId: 0,\r\n brandId: 0,\r\n modelId: 0,\r\n startDate: \"2020-12-01\",\r\n endDate: \"2020-12-21\",\r\n quarter: 0,\r\n dayId: 0,\r\n sortObject: \"\",\r\n selectedPartType: 0,\r\n },\r\n reducers: {\r\n dataCountries: (data, action) => {\r\n data.countries = [];\r\n data.countries.push(...action.payload.countries);\r\n },\r\n dataProvinces: (data, action) => {\r\n data.provinces = [];\r\n if (action.payload.provinces !== []) {\r\n data.provinces.push(...action.payload.provinces);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataCities: (data, action) => {\r\n data.cities = [];\r\n if (action.payload.cities !== []) {\r\n data.cities.push(...action.payload.cities);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataDistricts: (data, action) => {\r\n data.districts = [];\r\n if (action.payload.districts !== []) {\r\n data.districts.push(...action.payload.districts);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataBrands: (data, action) => {\r\n data.brands = [];\r\n data.brands.push(...action.payload.brands);\r\n },\r\n dataDevices: (data, action) => {\r\n data.devices = [];\r\n data.devices.push(...action.payload.devices);\r\n },\r\n dataImporterList: (data, action) => {\r\n data.importerList = [];\r\n data.importerList.push(...action.payload.importerList);\r\n },\r\n dataDistributorList: (data, action) => {\r\n data.distributorList = [];\r\n data.distributorList.push(...action.payload.distributorList);\r\n },\r\n dataRetailChainList: (data, action) => {\r\n data.retailChainList = [];\r\n data.retailChainList.push(...action.payload.retailChainList);\r\n },\r\n dataRetailShopList: (data, action) => {\r\n data.retailShopList = [];\r\n data.retailShopList.push(...action.payload.retailShopList);\r\n },\r\n },\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport const {\r\n dataCountries,\r\n dataProvinces,\r\n dataCities,\r\n dataDistricts,\r\n dataBrands,\r\n dataDevices,\r\n dataImporterList,\r\n dataDistributorList,\r\n dataRetailChainList,\r\n dataRetailShopList,\r\n} = slice.actions;\r\nexport default slice.reducer;\r\n","import { createSlice } from \"@reduxjs/toolkit\";\r\n\r\nconst slice = createSlice({\r\n name: \"menu\",\r\n initialState: { menuList: [] },\r\n reducers: {\r\n menuUpdated: (menu, action) => {\r\n menu.menuList = action.payload.menuList;\r\n },\r\n },\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport const { menuUpdated } = slice.actions;\r\n\r\nexport default slice.reducer;\r\n","import { createSlice } from \"@reduxjs/toolkit\";\r\n\r\nconst slice = createSlice({\r\n name: \"report\",\r\n initialState: {\r\n location: 0,\r\n calendar: 0,\r\n cutsToday: 0,\r\n cutsYesterday: 0,\r\n plotters: 0,\r\n averageCut: 0,\r\n forcast: 0,\r\n mtd: 0,\r\n ytd: 0,\r\n q1: 0,\r\n q2: 0,\r\n q3: 0,\r\n q4: 0,\r\n chartQ1: [],\r\n chartQ2: [],\r\n chartQ3: [],\r\n chartQ4: [],\r\n chartYear: [],\r\n countriesList: [],\r\n provincesList: [],\r\n citiesList: [],\r\n districtsList: [],\r\n importerList: [],\r\n distributorList: [],\r\n retailChainList: [],\r\n retailShopList: [],\r\n brandsList: [],\r\n modelsList: [],\r\n startDate: \"\",\r\n endDate: \"\",\r\n selectedCountryId: 0,\r\n selectedProvinceId: 0,\r\n selectedCityId: 0,\r\n selectedDistrictId: 0,\r\n },\r\n reducers: {\r\n reportLocation: (report, action) => {\r\n report.location = action.payload.location;\r\n },\r\n reportCalendar: (report, action) => {\r\n report.calendar = action.payload.calendar;\r\n },\r\n reportCutsToday: (report, action) => {\r\n report.cutsToday = action.payload.cutsToday;\r\n },\r\n reportCutsYesterday: (report, action) => {\r\n report.cutsYesterday = action.payload.cutsYesterday;\r\n },\r\n reportAverageCut: (report, action) => {\r\n report.averageCut = action.payload.averageCut;\r\n },\r\n reportPlotters: (report, action) => {\r\n report.plotters = action.payload.plotters;\r\n },\r\n reportForcast: (report, action) => {\r\n report.forcast = action.payload.forcast;\r\n },\r\n reportMtd: (report, action) => {\r\n report.mtd = action.payload.mtd;\r\n },\r\n reportYtd: (report, action) => {\r\n report.ytd = action.payload.ytd;\r\n },\r\n reportQ1: (report, action) => {\r\n report.q1 = action.payload.q1;\r\n },\r\n reportQ2: (report, action) => {\r\n report.q2 = action.payload.q2;\r\n },\r\n reportQ3: (report, action) => {\r\n report.q3 = action.payload.q3;\r\n },\r\n reportQ4: (report, action) => {\r\n report.q4 = action.payload.q4;\r\n },\r\n reportChartQ1: (report, action) => {\r\n report.chartQ1 = action.payload.chartQ1;\r\n },\r\n reportChartQ2: (report, action) => {\r\n report.chartQ2 = action.payload.chartQ2;\r\n },\r\n reportChartQ3: (report, action) => {\r\n report.chartQ3 = action.payload.chartQ3;\r\n },\r\n reportChartQ4: (report, action) => {\r\n report.chartQ4 = action.payload.chartQ4;\r\n },\r\n reportChartYear: (report, action) => {\r\n report.chartYear = action.payload.chartYear;\r\n },\r\n },\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport const {\r\n reportLocation,\r\n reportCalendar,\r\n reportCutsToday,\r\n reportCutsYesterday,\r\n reportAverageCut,\r\n reportForcast,\r\n reportPlotters,\r\n reportMtd,\r\n reportYtd,\r\n reportQ1,\r\n reportQ2,\r\n reportQ3,\r\n reportQ4,\r\n reportChartQ1,\r\n reportChartQ2,\r\n reportChartQ3,\r\n reportChartQ4,\r\n reportChartYear,\r\n} = slice.actions;\r\nexport default slice.reducer;\r\n","import { combineReducers } from \"redux\";\r\nimport reportReducer from \"./report\";\r\nimport dataReducer from \"./data\";\r\nimport filterReducer from \"./filter\";\r\n\r\nexport default combineReducers({\r\n report: reportReducer,\r\n data: dataReducer,\r\n filter: filterReducer\r\n});\r\n","import { combineReducers } from \"redux\";\r\nimport userReducer from \"./user\";\r\nimport menuReducer from \"./menu\";\r\n\r\nexport default combineReducers({\r\n user: userReducer,\r\n menu: menuReducer,\r\n});\r\n","import { combineReducers } from \"redux\";\r\nimport entitiesReducer from \"./entities\";\r\nimport authReducer from \"./auth\";\r\n\r\nexport default combineReducers({\r\n entities: entitiesReducer,\r\n auth: authReducer,\r\n});\r\n","import toastAlert from \"./Components/GeneralComponent/ToastAlertComponent/ToastAlert\";\r\n// In production, we register a service worker to serve assets from local cache.\r\n\r\n// This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in production, and gives\r\n// it offline capabilities. However, it also means that developers (and users)\r\n// will only see deployed updates on the \"N+1\" visit to a page, since previously\r\n// cached resources are updated in the background.\r\n\r\n// To learn more about the benefits of this model, read https://goo.gl/KwvDNy.\r\n// This link also includes instructions on opting out of this behavior.\r\n\r\nconst isLocalhost = Boolean(\r\n window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ||\r\n // [::1] is the IPv6 localhost address.\r\n window.location.hostname === '[::1]' ||\r\n // is considered localhost for IPv4.\r\n window.location.hostname.match(\r\n /^127(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$/\r\n )\r\n);\r\n\r\nexport default function register () {\r\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) {\r\n // The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.\r\n const publicUrl = new URL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL, window.location);\r\n if (publicUrl.origin !== window.location.origin) {\r\n // Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin\r\n // from what our page is served on. This might happen if a CDN is used to\r\n // serve assets; see https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues/2374\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n\r\n window.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n const swUrl = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`;\r\n\r\n if (isLocalhost) {\r\n // This is running on localhost. Lets check if a service worker still exists or not.\r\n checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl);\r\n } else {\r\n // Is not local host. Just register service worker\r\n registerValidSW(swUrl);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction registerValidSW (swUrl) {\r\n navigator.serviceWorker\r\n .register(swUrl)\r\n .then(registration => {\r\n registration.onupdatefound = () => {\r\n const installingWorker = registration.installing;\r\n installingWorker.onstatechange = () => {\r\n if (installingWorker.state === \"installed\") {\r\n if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {\r\n // At this point, the old content will have been purged and\r\n // the fresh content will have been added to the cache.\r\n // It's the perfect time to display a \"New content is\r\n // available; please refresh.\" message in your web app.\r\n toastAlert({ message: \"New content is available; please refresh.\" });\r\n } else {\r\n // At this point, everything has been precached.\r\n // It's the perfect time to display a\r\n // \"Content is cached for offline use.\" message.\r\n toastAlert({ message: \"Content is cached for offline use.\" });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n };\r\n })\r\n .catch(error => {\r\n toastAlert({ message: \"Error during service worker registration:', error\" });\r\n });\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction checkValidServiceWorker (swUrl) {\r\n // Check if the service worker can be found. If it can't reload the page.\r\n fetch(swUrl)\r\n .then(response => {\r\n // Ensure service worker exists, and that we really are getting a JS file.\r\n if (\r\n response.status === 404 ||\r\n response.headers.get('content-type').indexOf('javascript') === -1\r\n ) {\r\n // No service worker found. Probably a different app. Reload the page.\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {\r\n registration.unregister().then(() => {\r\n window.location.reload();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n // Service worker found. Proceed as normal.\r\n registerValidSW(swUrl);\r\n }\r\n })\r\n .catch(() => {\r\n toastAlert({ message: \"No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.\" });\r\n });\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function unregister () {\r\n if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {\r\n registration.unregister();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import \"bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css\";\r\nimport \"./content/css/quix-icon.css\";\r\nimport React, { Suspense } from \"react\";\r\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom\";\r\nimport { BrowserRouter } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport configureStore from \"./Store/configureStore\";\r\nimport StoreContext from \"./context/storeContext.js\";\r\nimport MetaTags from \"react-meta-tags\";\r\nimport { unregister } from \"./registerServiceWorker\";\r\nimport { lazy } from \"@loadable/component\";\r\nimport { I18nextProvider } from \"react-i18next\";\r\nimport i18next from \"i18next\";\r\nimport localStorage from \"local-storage\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst baseUrl = document.getElementsByTagName(\"base\")[0].getAttribute(\"href\");\r\nconst rootElement = document.getElementById(\"root\");\r\nconst store = configureStore();\r\n\r\nconst App = lazy(() => import(\"./App\"));\r\n\r\ni18next\r\n .init({\r\n fallbackLng: localStorage.get(\"usersLanguageKey\") === null ? \"en\" : localStorage.get(\"usersLanguageKey\"),\r\n resources: {\r\n en: {\r\n common: require(\"./i80n/en.json\")\r\n },\r\n ru: {\r\n common: require(\"./i80n/ru.json\")\r\n },\r\n in_3: {\r\n common: require(\"./i80n/in_3.json\")\r\n }\r\n },\r\n });\r\n\r\nReactDOM.render(\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n QUIX API\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Loading...}>\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ,\r\n rootElement\r\n);\r\n\r\nunregister();\r\n","import { configureStore } from \"@reduxjs/toolkit\";\r\nimport reducer from \"./reducer\";\r\n\r\nexport default function configureStoreFunction() {\r\n return configureStore({\r\n reducer,\r\n });\r\n}\r\n"],"sourceRoot":""}